APRIL 2022
We have just wrapped up the 2022 blackberry control season. Gruelling long hot days spent waist deep in blackberry and farm chemicals however, after undertaking this program annually we are now reaping the rewards of our program for eradicating this weed from Yambulla.
The ability to stand in vast Wet Tussock Meadows (an Endangered Ecological Community) and see them in their natural state, moving softly in the wind rather than over-run with blackberry. Super rewarding!
10 years ago blackberry was growing out of control over Bottom Yambulla, our 400 hectare valley around our lodge.
This year 50% (200 ha)of this is now fully controlled, a further 25% (100ha) is partially controlled. We now find ourselves driving 3km from the lodge to find infestations of blackberry to control.
In addition to making good progress, we have built a knowledge base to keep rolling this program out onto other areas of the property. Top Yambulla, a 620 hectare paddock has similar issues.