Wood4Good have produced a concept and vision document, the blueprint for the future of growing novel forests at Yambulla. It is now clear to us we will be growing lots of trees from seed and so having our own seed bank of locally sourced seeds will be very useful, imperative even.
Wood4Good’s proposed new ecological system leans heavily on the fact that remnant trees in the old plantation naturally seeded and regenerated as a result of the fire. Turning this regrowth into a forest will require humans to undertake key silviculture practices such as fire and thinning.
However, there are large areas of the harvested plantation where no trees have self seeded that will require us to plant trees. Potentially 100,000 of them!
We are planning to grow Yellow and White Stringybark, Red, Blue and Coastal Grey Box, Ironbark, Sheoak, Maiden’s Gum… to name a few.
So we have been busy sharpening up our tree ID skills and collecting seed in earnest.